Registered Agent Specifically for the State of Illinois
- Mon-Thursday 9:00-5:00 / Friday 9-12 Noon
- Office: +1-708-534.0066 / Cell: 708-218-1696
Registered Agent Specifically for the State of Illinois
Articles of Organization LLC form 5.5 establishes your entity as a domestic LLC which allows you to conduct business in the State of Illinois.
Articles of Organizations LLC form 5.5 can now be filed online This service provides for Routine filing (typically a 10-day turn-around) or expedited filing (24 – 48 hour turn-around). Either service type can be secured online with a credit card. Keep in mind that the only copy of the file-stamped Articles of Organization will be that which you print out after submitting to the State of Illinois.
Multi-member /Manager LLCs that want the advantage of flow-through treatment of taxes should file for the S-Election with the IRS so that all members of the LLC receive their profits and losses individually. This does not mean your entity is a corporation, it means your profits and losses flow through to the individual principals of the company at tax time. S-Elections must be established within the first 75 days of formation.
In the eyes of the State of Illinois, LLCs only have members and managers. Your operating agreement can include officer positions and their respective duties, however, when signing documents and forms, those officers who are duly authorized to sign on behalf of the company will need to sign as member or manager. The State will not recognize an officer title on LLC forms.
Numbered items in the article below correspond to the numbered questions on the LLC 5.5 form. Unless indicated as optional, all questions must be completed.